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Anyr is a name of a spiritual community that lives their own vision in a small village in the western region of Siberia close to the city Novokuznetsk.
The members of the community were called Anyrovtsy who live in the spi- ritual land of Anyr, which stands for inner journey of soul and the light. The collective starts to merge in the 90ies through the couple that were in the theatre and rose with occulted and theosophical issues from Helena Blavatsky and Nicolai Roerich. One day in 1992 the couple receive a crystalline lighting appearance during a meditation session and got a vision about their mission. Since then the couple laid the foundation for a spiritual community and start to teaching and healing people from many diseases in meditation sessions where often paranormal appearance were examined. Today they described their place as a spiritual magnet, which attracts people who are searching for soul healing and the inner teacher. The people who joined the community, separate them self’s from their old life, friends and or family members, sold their possessions to join the collective vision of new spiritual life as self-provider without alcohol, drugs and meat. With their theatre collective „golden circle“ the community travel through whole Russia with the aim to bring spiritual messages and visions of a new future-society to the viewers.
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